Summer is in full swing, which means many of us are soaking up the Colorado sun. If you have a deck or patio, you’ll likely spend a lot of time enjoying the season on your outdoor furniture, pillows, and cushions. The fabrics used for outdoor cushions and pillows are durable and stylish, but that doesn’t mean they’re completely impervious to the elements. Read on to learn how to maintain your outdoor cushions and pillows and keep them looking great for years to come!
Shake It Off
In the summer, outdoor furniture can collect pollen, bird droppings, pine needles, food spills, and other less-than-ideal items. Regularly shake off your cushions and pillows to keep them clean from outdoor messes. To remove tougher, ground-in items, try vacuuming your cushion covers or brush them using a soft-bristled brush. If you spill food, wipe it up right away to prevent stains and to avoid attracting bugs.
Give Them A Rinse
Some high-performance outdoor fabrics are water-resistant, which allows you to give them a quick rinse to remove any dirt and grime. For best results, keep the rinse short and sweet, and be careful not to drench them. Let them dry completely before storing them or using them again. Be sure to check the care tag before trying this method to prevent any unintended damage.
Protect Them From The Elements
Summer storms are common in Colorado, so there’s a good chance your pillows and cushions will get caught in a shower. After the storm, shake off excess water and make sure no rainwater is pooling underneath. Then, allow the cushions to air dry.
Store Them In The Off-Season
Year-round maintenance can get tedious, especially when dealing with Colorado winters’ alternating heavy snow and bright sunshine. You can prolong the life of your outdoor cushions (and save yourself some time) by storing them in the off-season. Before storing them, make sure all cushions and pillows are completely dry. If you store them in a bag, loosely tie it to maintain airflow, which can prevent mildew while keeping debris, dirt, and rodents out. For best results, store your cushions in a dry environment.
Deep Clean
Sometimes, a quick rinse or brush won’t clean your patio cushions sufficiently. If your cushions have a removable cover, check the tag for machine washing instructions. If your cushion or pillow covers aren’t removable, you can spot clean them using a mixture of mild cleansing solution and water. After washing, towel-dry the cushions to soak up as much water as possible. Then, let them air dry completely to avoid growing mildew.
Professional Outdoor Cushion and Pillow Cleaning
Cleaning your outdoor cushions and pillows can be time-consuming and difficult, especially if you’ve had them for a while and they’ve been outside year-round. Save yourself time and leave it to the professionals at Dependable Cleaners. We’ll clean any cushion or pillow, from small accent pillows to full-length, chaise cushions. With expertise on almost any outdoor fabric, we can help keep your outdoor furniture clean, germ-free, and ready for the summer season. Best of all, pickup and delivery is free, making it easier than ever to spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying the season with your family and friends.
Want an even better deal on outdoor furniture cleaning? All patio cushions and pillows are 33% off through the month of June!